Underarm Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis to use its technical name, is not an uncommon problem, and suffered by persons of all ages and walks of life. But it can certainly be an embarrassing one, especially if you find people are prone to pointing out visual or olfactory signs of sweating. While there are practical things you can do to help the issue, such as wearing loose fitting clothing, using prescription deodorant, and avoiding things like spicy food and alcohol, there’s also highly effective treatments available at dermatological clinics and aestheticians, like Skin Matters by Colette here in Surrey.

The method we employ involves the use of small injections of botulinum toxin, targeting a problem area almost universally complained of by sufferers – the underarm. This counteracts overactive sweat glands, blocking the nerve impulses that play a significant part in contributing to hyperhidrosis. Expect a notable reduction in sweating in just 1 to 2 weeks following the treatment. Results can last up to 6 months, at which point you may wish to book in for a re-visit.

  • Consultation: Free
  • Treatment: £300

You no longer have to suffer underarm hyperhidrosis. Harness the power of botulinum toxin and see a significant reduction in symptoms. For consultation, call 07851 677444.

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