
Aftercare: Dermal Fillers | Skin Matters by Colette

After receiving dermal filler injections, proper aftercare is essential to ensure optimal results and reduce the risk of complications. One of the most important things is to avoid touching or applying pressure to the treated areas for around 6 hours. You should also avoid applying make-up for at least 24 hours. This will help to prevent the filler from shifting away from the targeted area. It's also important to avoid vigorous exercise for the first 24 to 48 hours, as it can increase blood flow and cause the filler to spread.

We also urge clients to avoid alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen and other blood-thinning medications for at least 24 hours following the procedure; these can increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. You should also endeavour to avoid exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures, e.g in sunbeds, saunas and very hot showers, for the first few days after treatment, as this can lead to swelling and redness.

So what can you do to speed up recovery time? Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of high water-content fruits and vegetables, while avoiding salty foods, will also help prevent worsening any inflammation or swelling.

Area Specific Aftercare & Recovery Timeframes

Lips – Hold off consuming hot or cold drinks until any anaesthetic you’ve received has worn off. Also avoid eating right away, so you don’t accidentally bite your lip. Massaging your lips can rid them of any lumpiness, but this will clear up naturally in around a month if you find they’re too sore to do this. You should also avoid smoking immediately after your appointment, as this can increase risk of infection. Following your treatment, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, asymmetry and lumpiness which should gradually fade over time.

Nose – Avoid wearing glasses for 2 to 4 weeks following the treatment, switching to contact lenses or a very light frame if you really need them to function. You can expect some mild swelling and redness, and a stuffy feeling in the nose for a few days.

Cheekbones, Chin & Jaw – Expect some minor bruising, redness and swelling, and a tight or tender feeling in the area that disappears after a few days. If you’re worried about a slightly “sharp” look at the edges and corners of your jaw, know that this will soften after around two weeks.

When to Seek Advice or Immediate Assistance

While extremely rare, there are two circumstances where you should seek immediate medical attention. Firstly, if your skin discolours to a pale or dusky tone, we urge you to immediately return to our clinic or call our emergency contact number 07908 660478. This can indicate Pending Necrosis, caused by dermal fillers disrupting regular blood supply.

Secondly, if you begin to feel generally unwell and notice a lot of swelling and redness. These can be early symptoms of anaphylaxis, an extreme allergic reaction which requires immediate medical attention. If you suspect you may be having this reaction for the above reasons, call 999 and request an ambulance. Less urgent advice should be sought if you notice an itchy, sore bump or swelling near the injection site that doesn’t disappear after 3 days.

For more information on aftercare, or to book in a consultation for dermal fillers at our aesthetic clinic, called Skin Matters by Colette on 07851 677 444.

Aftercare: Botulinum Toxin (Botox) | Skin Matters by Colette

Immediately following your Botox treatment, be sure to remain upright for 4 hours. Make a concerted effort to use the treated muscles for the initial hour following your appointing. We also recommend not wearing tight garments which hug the treated area.

Avoid wearing make-up for 24 hours, and delay any planned facial massage for a fortnight. Likewise, avoid electrical stimulation of the face and when cleansing, make gentle strokes away from the eyes applying only a small amount of pressure.

For two full days, you should also avoid high temperatures and UV exposure, including direct sunlight, saunas, sunbeds and hot showers. Take time off strenuous exercise to minimise swelling and any associated discomfort.

Post-Treatment Expectations

So what can you expect following your visit to Skin Matters by Colette for Botox? Swelling, redness and bruising are all common reactions, and usually subside in just a few hours. If you have fairly extensive bruising, it may take a few more days. Headaches are another common reaction, and can be treated with paracetamol.

Expect any initial reactions to show in the first 5 to 7 days, and improve over a fortnight. If you notice differences in your expression, know that this is usually due to certain muscles relaxing quicker than others. Within 2 weeks, the latter will catch-up and you’ll be back to normal.

First time visiting us for Botox? Our clinicians will book you in for a follow-up appointment around 14 days after your initial one. Here we can check-in on your recovery, and ensure you’re comfortable and pleased with the results. Keep in mind that fine lines targeted by Botox treatments can take a few months to soften – they won’t vanish in that first fortnight.

When to Seek Review or Immediate Assistance

Infections and allergic reactions would both call for an immediate, emergency review with our aestheticians – but these are both incredibly rare. Regardless, contact us if you notice painful or itchy swelling, or a sore bump near the injection site. Likewise, call our clinic if you notice any changes in the appearance or function of your eyes, including abnormal dryness.

Botox is a remarkably safe procedure, but there is still the extremely rare chance of it triggering anaphylaxis. If you feel unwell or notice swelling and redness around your face following your appointment, and are concerned you may be suffering symptoms of anaphylaxis, contact 999 immediately.

For more aftercare advice, contact the aestheticians at Skin Matters by Colette on 07851 677 444.

Aftercare: Advanced Skin Rejuvenation | Skin Matters by Colette

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure you maximise the efficacy of your treatment, and minimise recovery time. Our Advanced Skin Rejuvenation services share similar aftercare processes, but differ in a few minor details. Read on to learn more, or call our team with any concerns or questions.

With all treatments, we urge clients to contact us if they find any redness, tenderness, itching or swelling worsens after 3 days, or they notice blanching, mottled bruising/redness, or pain that goes beyond skin merely being tender or sore.

Profhilo Aftercare

  • Most clients can immediately proceed with regular activities
  • You may experience some redness or bruising, or small pin-prick marks
  • It’s not unusual to see or feel where the product has been injected; it settles in a few hours
  • Avoid wearing make-up for 12 hours
  • Avoid alcohol and exercise for 48 hours
  • Avoid sun bathing and extreme temperatures for a fortnight
  • Avoid aspirin and alcohol for 48 hours
  • Expect some initial tenderness that will subside fairly quickly

Seventy Hyal Aftercare

  • You can gently massage the injection sites to breakdown any small bumps
  • Ensure your hands are clean before doing so
  • Stay hydrated following the appointment – plenty of water!
  • Expect minor bruising, swelling and tenderness to last from a few days, to a week
  • Avoid washing your face and using skincare products for 4-6 hours
  • Avoid applying make-up for 4-6 hours
  • Avoid exercise and excessive sweating for 24 hours
  • Avoid swimming, spas and saunas for 48 hours
  • Ensure you sleep on a soft, clean pillowcase
  • Stay out of the sun and avoid tanning beds for 7 days

Perfect Skin Peel Aftercare

  • Be very gentle when touching your skin after a peel
  • Wear sunscreen and limit time spent outdoors
  • Consider using products packed full of skin-soothing ingredients
  • Simplify your skincare routine where possible
  • Avoid picking or pulling at your skin after the treatment
  • Avoid washcloths, facial scrubs and cleansing brushes
  • Avoid vigorous exercise and excessive sweating
  • Steer clear of Retinol and prescription Retinoids
  • Cut acidic foods and ingredients out your diet and skincare routine
  • Avoid over-moisturising

Dermapen Aftercare

  • Expect your skin to feel warm and tight after your appointment
  • You may also look as if you have moderate sunburn, this is normal
  • Expect total recovery after around 24 hours
  • In some cases, redness can persist for 3-4 days
  • We recommend regularly using tepid water to cleanse the face for around 48 hours
  • Be sure to dry gently
  • Avoid applying makeup for 12 hours
  • Avoid saunas, hot showers, steam rooms and vigorous exercise until redness has subsided
  • Stay out of strong sunlight and away from UV rays for a fortnight
  • Apply a strong sun protectant if you do need to go out in the sun

For bespoke aftercare advice from trained aestheticians, contact Skin Matters by Colette on 07851 677444.

Aftercare Following Minor Surgery Requiring Sutures

Relax and take it easy. Vigorous exercise or heavy lifting could cause the wound to bleed.

When the local anaesthetic wears off, you might feel some soreness or discomfort. You may take paracetamol (2 tablets every 6 hours). Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, since they increase the risk of bleeding. The same applies to alcohol.

We might have covered the wound with a dressing. Please keep it dry.

You may see a small amount of blood on your dressing. This is normal, however, if the bleeding continues:

  • Apply firm pressure with a gauze swab over the dressing for 15 minutes.
  • If bleeding still continues, apply an ice-pack for 15 minutes to the dressed area. A simple ice-pack can be made by placing a bag of frozen peas into a dry plastic bag, this avoids wetting the dressing
  • If bleeding continues contact your own doctor or the Emergency Department at Hull Royal Infirmary. They will then contact us if necessary.

48 hours after your surgery


After the dressing is off, you may get the wound wet and shower or take a quick bath. However, do not soak the wound for prolonged time.

What to expect afterwards?

For the first few days your wound may be tender. There may be swelling and bruising around the wound, especially if it is near the eye. The area around our wound may be numb for several weeks or even months. You may experience periodic sharp pain as the wound heals. The stitch line will look dark pink at first and edges of the wound will be reddened. This will lighten day by day.

In addition to the superficial stitches we might have used some deep sutures. These will not need to be removed, since they dissolve in most cases. Sometimes however they might come through the skin. In that case just snip them off with a pair of scissors.

If despite all the above measures there are signs of an infection such as a fever, or redness, warmth or foul-smelling drainage from the wound, you should call your practitioner on the OOH number 07908660478.


If you have superficial stitches, your practitioner will advise you how many and when these need to be removed. This appointment will be made prior to you leaving clinic.

Once the stitches have been removed, the scar will still be weak and might break down if you are not careful. Any exercise which might pull your scar should be avoided for another couple of months

Aftercare For Skin Surgery Patients Following Curettage and Cautery


  • Keep your dressing in place and the wound dry for 2 days.
  • After 2 days you may shower/bath as normal. Remove the wet dressing, clean the area by gently patting (not rubbing) with a clean wet flannel.
  • After cleaning your wound, gently and thoroughly dry area by patting (not rubbing) with clean towel and re-apply a dressing or plaster if needed.
  • If your wound is on your head, pat your hair dry and then let your hair dry naturally. Take care when brushing/combing your hair. Avoid additional hair care products.
  • After 2 days, once the dressing has been removed, please apply a thin smear of clean plain Vaseline to the wound site twice daily until healed over.
  • You can leave the wound uncovered but consider covering with a plaster if area is still slightly oozing, or if there is a chance of the wound becoming dirty or if stitches are catching on clothing.
  • The most important point is to keep the wound nice and clean.

Frequently asked questions:

How long will it take my wound to heal?

The reaction and healing time will depend upon the size and type of lesion which has been removed. A black crust consisting of charred tissue will be seen on the surface (like a burn). This will wipe away after about 2 weeks and a scaly crust may then form. The wound will slowly heal like a graze.


  • If you notice blood on the dressing within the first 48 hours, please be reassured that it is common for the wound to ooze a little blood or fluid, especially during the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery.
  • If bleeding persists or wound starts to bleed again, apply firm and continual pressure to the area for 20 minutes. Usually this will stop the bleeding.

Frequently asked questions:

What should I do if I cannot stop the bleeding?

  • If you cannot stop the bleeding, please contact the OOH number 07908660478. What should I do if I take blood thinning medications?
  • You are at slightly higher risk of bleeding, but do not stop taking your medication unless advised to do so.
  • You may have an additional pressure dressing applied to the wound at the time of surgery to reduce the likelihood of bleeding. You will be advised when to remove this.


  • Numbness from the local anaesthetic will usually wear off in about 1 to 2 hours.
  • You may eat, drink and take your medications normally after your procedure. However, local anaesthetic injected near the mouth can make your lips numb so you will need to avoid hot drinks/food or biting your lip until the feeling returns.


  • We take every precaution to prevent a wound infection before, during and after your surgery. Despite these precautions, wounds can still become infected.
  • Symptoms of a wound infection include ongoing or increased pain and/or swelling, redness, warmth, discharge/weeping. Rarely, you may experience fever or feel generally unwell.
  • If you are concerned that your wound might be infected, please contact us on 07908660478 And our highly trained practitioner will prescribe as antibiotics may be needed.

Pain or discomfort

  • You may notice some discomfort from the wound for a few days. This is usually relatively mild and will gradually decrease.
  • Paracetamol is preferred as pain relief, if needed.
  • More severe pain may indicate infection of your wound, especially if this occurs after two days.


Swelling and bruising may occur, especially if you had surgery around the eyes.

Overall residual swelling or bruising should improve over the week but can sometimes take a bit longer.

If swelling does not settle or increases, this may indicate infection.


  • Every effort will be made to minimise the scar.
  • Scars can become pale or darker than the surrounding skin and can become large and thickened.
  • Scars might become sore or itchy due to the nerves healing.
  • Most scars usually flatten and fade over time.

Email us today to book a free consultation. Appointments are available at Sculpt Aestethics and Beauty based in Coulsdon. Please email

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