Positioning themselves between the skin and muscle, lipomas are simply fatty lumps that can feel slightly doughy to the touch. They move about a bit when subject to slight pressure, are usually less than 2 inches in diameter, and can sometimes be a bit sore due to pressing on nearby nerve endings. In the majority of cases, they’re nothing to be worried about. They’re usually just a benign nuisance occurring around the neck, shoulders, back, arms, thighs or abdomen, which you may wish to have removed.
Skin Matters by Colette removes lipomas that have overstayed their welcome. There are three techniques that can be employed to achieve this, depending on the characteristics and positioning of the lipoma. These are: surgical incision, steroid injections and liposuction. An initial consultation at our Surrey clinic will allow us to pick the right approach, and answer any questions you might have.
Whatever the approach, know that lipoma removal is a quick, simple, safe procedure performed under local anaesthetic to minimise any associated pain or discomfort. Our trained clinicians use sophisticated equipment and a careful hand to achieve optimal results, and minimise scarring. You’ll be able to get back to work and your busy schedule immediately, and can be permanently rid of that jarring lump in under an hour!